blissful woman lying on a pale blanket beside a basket of colourful flowers

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  1. These are some beautiful quotes and great reminders of how our attitude will shape and mold our personal experience. Happiness is not something that you can go out to search for and suddenly find — searching is the opposite of happiness. The way you think and approach the world definitely matters, and it’s important to stay in a positive space as much as possible to achieve your biggest and grandest goals. 

  2. This has been a really interesting read, and it’s even more interesting as I’m currently reading the book “Happy” by Fearne Cotton πŸ˜‰ Thanks you for writing this post and sharing your thoughts πŸ˜‰

  3. Hi! I think maybe I’ve found a new blog to follow, here. I am generally a happy person, but it’s easy to let current events and negative people drag you down with them. I like to surround myself with other positive people; it helps me when I need a little weight on the positive side of the scale!

    1. Hi Holly, thank you for your kind words. You’re right of course. It’s so easy to be affected by all the negativity happening all around us. We hear it in the news. It’s all over the newspapers and the internet. We do need to intentionally create our tribe of positive people to remain in the zone. πŸ™‚ So welcome to our wee tribe! πŸ™‚

  4. Happiness is a state of mind. ???? It isn’t what happens in your life. It is how you respond to it. And most of use were conditioned to respond negatively.

    Reprogram your brain to stop doing that and you can put yourself on the road to peace and tranquility.

    There is a shortcut, but some would object strenuously if I share what it is.

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