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  1. I always write down what I have to do for the day, and then I set out to do my tasks, but I have never set up a time block before. It’s a good idea, because there have been days when I could not finish or even begin a certain task (just some days), and then they were postponed for the next day. I did get them done though. 

    I like working with excel, I find it organized and I’m used to working with it, but the templates could also be worth a try. 

    I actually like setting a weekly routine, although I am not a routine person, but setting my goals and tasks for the week gives me guidance and helps me achieve them. it feels nice ticking them off one by one, and also looking forward to the next ones for the coming day. 

    I have not tracked my time yet, but that would also be interesting. I should try that out, but it might be difficult, because I do not have much routine, except for my work hours. But I’ll do it and see how I do 🙂 

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience, Christine. Do let me know how you get on with it. Promise – it’s not as hard as it seems. 🙂

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