woman in red holding Chinese golden coins

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  1. Thanks a lot for such an amazing review about How To Get Rich And Stay Rich and explanation are given.

    I am passionate about reading books, in general biographies of famous people and of education. I have heard this book many times, so I first decided to see what it is about on the Internet, so I read articles, this is the best I have read. I will definitely order this book.

    Thanks again for this post. If you don’t mind, I will share this article on my social media account. Good luck!

    1. You’re welcome. We’re so glad you liked this post. I really think this should be recommended reading at school – every year at least. 🙂

  2. Hello. Thanks for sharing with us such an interesting article. 

    I heard about this book and now you have convinced me to read it. I read somewhere that last year the most searched keyword on google was “how to get rich?” . It seems that many people want to become rich through different methods. But I noticed that the majority give up, they are not enough workers or they are simply not taught how to do it. I really like how you noticed that we need to be disciplined. This is one of the most important qualities we must have, or we need to learn it. We must expect to make mistakes, but the most important thing is to learn from them. I will share this amazing article on my social media accounts. 

    Wish you a happy new year! Good luck.

    1. Thank you for your comment and sharing your thoughts. I agree. Many want to get rich but not many actually have a plan to get there. And I can’t say I blame them. There’s just so much information out there that you don’t know who to trust. 

      This book is a classic, though. And comes with a lot of history and so many hugely successful people credit it with their eventual success.

      So, yes, I really believe that this is the first stop on the way to real and lasting wealth. 🙂

  3. well this is a good read thanks I do believe in that you need to follow success to be a success and can’t wait to read the book I also love listening to tony robbins he’s great so for him to like his book I think I need to get it thanks 


    1. Hi Matthew, thanks and I agree completely. It’s not enough to just read. You need to take massive action too. Like Jim Rohn said, “Wisdom unused is wasted.”

  4. What a great summary you have provided! I have heard of the book and interested in seeing if it’s on Audible now. There are so many myths about money and being rich. The Universe seems to be sending me lots of messages about wealth these days 🙂

    1. Thank you. That’s a good idea. I never even thought to check on Audible though it would be interesting how they’d go about doing it. What does a Babylonian accent sound like? 🙂 If you’re getting loads of messages about wealth, then perhaps it’s a sign. Do let us know how you get on.

    1. We’re the same!

      We only found out about this last year. We got the book and then didn’t read until just a few months ago. *smh*

      It’s incredibly practical and we’re now regretting having put it off for so long.

  5. Nice summary of the book. Will try to find it at my local library.
    People have different opinions about wealth. Rich doesn’t mean being evil or cunning. Wealth building is good but at the same time contentment is the key. I like the article you have mentioned and the income range that is good for emotional well being 🙂

    1. Exactly.

      If you want to be rich, people automatically assume you’re materialistic. Sometimes that’s true but not always. And that’s why it seems like an uphill battle.

      In fact, I love how Tim Ferris put it in his book, The Four-Hour Work Week (have you read it?). He wrote “People don’t want to be millionaires – they want to experience what they believe only millions can buy…$1,000,000 in the bank isn’t the fantasy. The fantasy is the lifestyle of complete freedom it supposedly allows.”

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