deer ice sculpture - when should you start planning for christmas

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  1. Hi Jade,

    This is nuts, in a good way! I mean, absolutely methodical approach to Christmas which has beauty within itself.
    We’ve used to that most folks won’t lift a finger before December. Then it’s a big rush paired with panic.
    What to get, from where to get.
    ..and you are telling us that it’s possible to already be relaxing at the beginning of December?
    I have to let it all sink in now, I clearly have a lot to learn from you.
    Many thanks!


    1. You’re welcome, Henry! Glad you found this helpful and hopefully this Christmas will be a bit more relaxing for you. 🙂 Enjoy!

  2. You certainly do have a great idea about when to start preparing for Christmas. Your list makes sense as I read it but It’s a little late to start it this year. Again I will have another chaotic Holiday. But you can bet your Bippy I will be starting in September next year. Actually I will need to start a Christmas Fund so that when next September rolls around, I will be prepared. I don’t have any parties at Christmas anymore to attend. My husband passed away and I was never one to make many friends, But I have my family and that is what is important to me. I do bake because that is one of the things I always did for my own kids and they still ask me to make their favorites. Perhaps next year when I start in September when November comes round and its time to bake, I wont still have a lot of other things that are pressing. Great site, Easy to Read.

    1. Thanks for sharing your story and I’m so happy to know that you found this post easy to read. When we need information, that can really help. Enjoy the upcoming Christmas holidays! 🙂

  3. For a start, I have never made a list or carefully sit down to plan for Christmas before. Maybe it is due to the way I live my life that anything I feel like getting is exactly what I go for but then, reading this post, I have got a reason to start making a proper plan towards making Christmas a memorable one to come. I like the planning, the careful budgeting and to ensure that things are put in place in preparation for the good days to come. This is great and though I can not start to plan from September again but I can always start now.

  4. This is, in fact, a full-on breakdown of how I should spend my life till Christmas right now. This is a problem I have always had, planning for Christmas and it has always ended up in messing up the holiday. I don’t think it’s going to be the same again this time with your tips here. I think I really need to give them a try and although I am a bit short in time from your planning tip, I can hustle everything together. This is October, so maybe I should just start off from there. Thank you for outlining this.

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