These positive affirmations for love are powerful statements that will help bring more love into your life.
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Bringing love to your life with positive affirmations
Are you trying to create a blissful life filled with love and laughter but can’t seem to get a break? Do you feel like you’re taking one step forward and two steps back? What could you do to bring love into your life when nothing seems to work? Try affirmations for love!
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More importantly, I also gave examples of the things you can do to foster that love of self. One of the best ways, in my own experience, is to harness the power of affirmations and to create powerful statements that are designed specifically to bring love into your life.
These affirmations of love are simple and yet powerfully effective as the massive changes in my life show (a bit more on that later).
But exactly what are affirmations of love and how do you use them to bring love into your life?
If you want to learn how to use positive affirmations for self love or discover how you too can employ positive affirmations to bring love into your life, keep reading this post.
Note: I normally get inspiration from a lot of different sources such as meditations, poems, videos and books.
What are affirmations and how do they work?
Affirmations or auto suggestions are essentially positive statements about something that are used to manifest a specific person, feeling or experience.
These statements are repeatedly written or said aloud, with the conviction that they are or soon will come true.
In 1916, French therapist Émile Coué de la Châtaigneraie introduced the now famous and well-loved affirmation, “Every day in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
He advised his patients to say this statement 20 times after waking up, another 20 times before falling asleep and as often as possible during the day.
According to his presentation in the Psychological Congress in Paris, those who followed his recommendations did indeed get better and better simply because of frequent repetition that bypasses the mind’s ability to resist the change.
In other words, Coué’s patients didn’t have to do anything other than to ensure that they repeated the generic statement above (nothing too specific!) as often as possible – at least 40 times every day.
Intriguing, isn’t it?
So, how does this translate to bringing love into your life?
Simple, we just create affirmations for love.
What are affirmations for love?
Based on our definition above, affirmations of love are simply positive statements that are designed to help you manifest love or overcome whatever is blocking love from showing up in your life.
This doesn’t have to be a grand love affair with your soulmate. Although, it could be if you wanted it.
Maybe you feel that you need to focus on loving yourself more (excellent choice by the way!).
Or maybe you want to be a more loving partner or parent.
As you know, there are different types of love.
And affirmations of love can bring you the exact kind you want and need in your life.
Positive affirmations to bring love into your life
I started using positive affirmations in mid-2012.
I’ve just had a year of heartaches, major life changes and a lot of good-byes.
I was completely drained. Everything took too much of an effort and I spent so many days just curled up in bed, my mind empty.
Purely by chance, I came across Christie Marie Sheldon’s Love or Above programme, which contained a variety of tools that were easy enough to learn and use.
Chief among them was the process of creative visualisation and in a chapter dedicated to choosing your reality, she gave several real-life examples of creative visualisation at work.
One of these examples was Jim Carrey, who harnessed affirmations to creatively visualise and manifest a successful career. The rest, as they say, is history.
At the time, my life was going nowhere and I was experiencing a midlife crisis at the ripe old age of 28. I figured I had nothing to lose and everything to gain so I tried it.
Side Note: Rock bottom is actually the best place to start because you can’t go anywhere but up. Also, you’re far more willing to try things you’d never have considered before. So, if this is where you’re at right now. Keep reading. Your life is about to change.
How to use positive affirmations for love
Other people may approach affirmations differently but this is how I did it:
Step 1: Focus on one theme or category depending on what I’m manifesting at any given point in time. For example, I first focused on self-love. My second aim was attracting my soulmate. The third was creating a family. And so on. You can choose whatever you wish to manifest here (though I always recommend starting with yourself).
Step 2: Visualise what you wish to happen and then write your affirmations down.
Step 3: Edit your statement as you see fit. Remember that it needs to be positive and has either already happened or is in the process. You can use poetry or quotes that really speak to you. For example, I love Desiderata and include this particular phrase in my affirmations as often as I can: “I am a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. I have a right to be here.”
Step 4: Write the affirmations in our journal at least 10 times each day.
Step 5: Spend some time (at least 5 minutes) to really let the affirmation sink in. If you can, close your eyes and imagine the statement happening right now. What would you feel?
It’s painstaking, yes, but I swear by that process, so I really encourage you to try it for yourself.
Personalise these affirmations. Make them your own. And then you’ll begin to notice opportunities that were not there before, thoughts you never had, people you would never have met.
Allow these positive affirmations for loving relationships to do their magic and change your life.
It will shock you.
Positive affirmations for self love and acceptance
The positive affirmations for self love and acceptance that you will see in the following subsections are taken from a variety of sources that have really touched my heart.
I hope you’ll find them both breathtakingly inspiring and shockingly effective, as I have.
In a hurry?
Bookmark this page and then get a copy of our # 1 source of positive affirmations that will help bring love into your life!
Positive affirmations for self-love #1: Discover your worthiness guided meditation
One of my greatest sources of inspiration when it comes to writing positive affirmations for self love and acceptance is Lisa Nichols’ Discovering Your Worthiness Guided Meditation.
I’ve adapted some of her statements here and I say them as often as I can.
I am inherently worthy of value.
It’s my birthright to feel free and to express myself joyfully.
I have a right to be happy.
I have a right to feel love.
I have a right to have mad passionate love, not only for myself but for others.
I am worthy of every single blessing that’s on its way to me.
I release any negative thoughts about past decisions, past experiences, past concerns or past disruptions.
I acknowledge myself just as I am.
I am always authentic with myself and with others.
I rewrite my story the way I choose for it to be told.
I write my future.
I trust my feelings of inner worthiness.
I accept myself fully.
I know my worth.
I’ve always been valuable and special.
I replace past thoughts with new possibility, old fears with new decisions.
I am at complete peace.
I am available to new creation.
I’m sitting in my power.
I’m lying in my strength.
I’m bathed in new possibility, resting in my greater awareness.
I love, bless and release the past.
I move with mindful intention.
I learn from all of my experiences.
My lessons prepare me for my breathtaking future.
I have needed every experience to prepare me for this moment.
I’ve made the best choices I could base on what I knew.
I live in possibility.
I evict shame, blame, guilt, regret and anger.
I am my own best friend.
I will speak on my behalf.
I will love me first.
I will be the first example of what it looks like to love me.
I declare what I need and I give myself what I need.
I have everything I need to live a joyful and abundant life within me.
Everything I need to feel whole and complete is inside of me.
I am enough. I’ve always been enough.
Every decision I have made was the best decision, in that moment based on what I knew.
My decisions have either brought me great experiences or great lessons. And I’ve needed them both.
I bless my lessons. It is because of those lessons that I have determination. It is because of these lessons that I’m ready for my next blessing.
Everything in my life is fuel. Everything in my life is fertiliser – helping to grow and birth my breathtaking future.
I’ve always been designed to win.
The victory is mine and the outcome is already brilliant.
I enjoy the journey.
I am here, whole and complete.
I am a powerful being of possibility and today I declare, unapologetically, that I’m stepping into my greatness. I’m allowing my light to shine.
Today, I stand in my greatness. I own my champion. I recognise my genius. And I embrace my brilliance.
Today, I embrace who I am. I own who I am.
I know that my future has nothing but breathtaking, life-changing beautiful experiences in it.
Today, I choose me.
I am worthy of infinite compassion.
I feel profound empathy and love for others and their own unique paths.
I choose to stop apologizing for being me.
I am at peace with all that has happened in my life.
My life is filled with joy and abundance.
Happiness flows from me, through me and to me.
I am willing to keep going, when things get tough, to achieve the success I deserve.
My body is beautiful and expresses my spirit.
I am grounded, peaceful, and centred.
I respect my limitations and thank myself for the things I am able to accomplish.
My life is full of happiness and love.
I have everything I need.
I am beautiful.
I create lasting and positive changes in my life with ease and grace.
I am blessed.
I am in control of my own actions.
I overflow with creativity and good ideas.
I am worthy of the deepest love and the highest joy.
My inner beauty shines brightly.
I am enough.
I am ready.
I breathe in the love and the joy that I deserve.
Positive affirmations for self-love #2: Conversations with God, Book 1
The first book of a three-part series, Conversations with God Book 1 changed my life and continue to change it in unexpected ways as it challenges every belief I hold regarding life and love.
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it until I’m blue in the face: If you haven’t read this book yet, you need to get it ASAP.
Borrow it from your local library, get a cheap copy in your charity shop (if it’s there) or get one from your local bookstore (or from the almighty Amazon, where everything seems to be available).
Get it and read it with an open mind and see if anything resonates with you.
I personally use and have used phrases and sentences from this book as affirmations to re-create my life. Here, I’m sharing with you what really resonated with me (AKA what really worked for me) from the first eight chapters.
Chapter 1
I love and am loved without condition.
I live in love.
I listen closely to the voice within.
I am created in the image and likeness of God.
Every day, I create the best version of myself.
Every day, I remember who I truly am: a divine part of the divine whole.
I am a Master. I create the situation and circumstance for my own highest purpose and my own quickest remembering – in each moment called now.
I am the light.
I praise creation even when I seek to change it.
Every day, I render life holy.
I am still. I quiet the outer world so that the inner world might bring me sight.
My potential is unlimited in all that I’ve chosen to do.
I bless myself as well as every person and condition – and give thanks.
I affirm the perfection of God’s creation and show my faith in it with every action, every day.
I create my life exactly as it is.
I am the creator of my reality and life can show up no other way for me than the way in which I think it will. I think my life into being.
I can be, do and have whatever I imagine.
I attract what I love.
Love is all there is. It is the ultimate reality. It is the only. The all. The feeling of love is my experience of God.
Love is all there is, all there was and all there will ever be.
I choose only love. In every instance. In every moment. In every circumstance.
Love is the answer.
Chapter 2
My life is the gift; the unspeakable treasure; the holy of holies.
I am life.
I love and am loved without fear.
I have free will.
I know and experience myself as who I really am.
My whole life process is an experience of constant joy, continuous creation, never-ending expansion, and total fulfillment in each moment of now.
I am totally joyful, loving, accepting, blessing and grateful.
I tell the world who I am with pride and dignity because I am happy with myself.
Everything in my life is holy.
Chapter 3
I choose to let my life unfold in all its glory.
I live the promise of God – that I am made in his image and likeness.
I think, speak and act as the God I am.
I live the highest vision of myself.
I consciously change my thoughts, words and actions to align with my grandest vision of myself.
I consciously and continuously make positive choices.
I am unconditionally loving.
I choose to express unconditional love – consciously.
I imagine my life the way I want it to be and release every thought, word and action that does not fall into harmony with that.
I listen to my soul so that I’m clear about what it’s after. I go with my soul’s desire – the highest feeling of love beyond my imagining.
I experience perfect love.
I am perfect love.
I am born of God.
I am goodness and mercy and compassion and understanding. I am peace and joy and light. I am forgiveness and patience, strength and courage, a helper in time of need, a comforter in time of sorrow, a healer in time of injury, a teacher in times of confusion.
I am the deepest wisdom and the highest truth; the greatest peace and the grandest love. I am all these things. And I choose now to know myself as these things always.
Chapter 4
I have absolute faith and complete certainty that anything I choose to create will be made manifest in reality.
I am always grateful before and for the creation.
I celebrate and enjoy all that I create and have already created.
I am clear in what I wish to create.
I throw all negative thoughts, lose all pessimism, release all doubts, reject all fears. I discipline my mind to hold fast to the original creative thought born of love.
My thoughts of love are clear and steadfast so I speak them as truths. I say them out loud.
I harness my thoughts. I think about what I’m thinking about.
Chapter 5
I understand that there is nowhere to go, nothing to do, and nobody I have to be except exactly who I’m being right now.
I remember that I’m constantly in the act of creating myself. I am in every moment deciding who and what I am via the choices I make regarding who and what I feel passionate about.
I am free. I live my life without expectation, without the need for specific results.
I am, at the core of my wonderful Self, perfect love.
I know that passion is the path to Self-realisation.
The point of life is to notice that I am, and have always been, already there. I am, always and forever, in the moment of pure creation. The point of life is to create who and what I am and to experience that.
Chapter 6
I understand the power of the Word and, therefore, I choose carefully what I make real.
I openly celebrate love.
I have the courage to create and experience a world where making love is considered better than making war.
Chapter 7
I dedicate my whole mind, body and soul to the process of Self-realisation – of creating myself in the image and likeness of God.
I dedicate my life to conscious creation, to creation with a purpose. I use the tools of creation available to me with awareness and sublime intention.
My happy destiny is unavoidable.
I live in my God space always.
I always get what I create and I am always creating.
Chapter 8
I am happy in my relationships.
I bless each and every experience, all human encounter, and especially personal human relationships for allowing me to consciously and intentionally construct who I really am.
Positive affirmations for self-love #3: Desiderata*
I speak my truth quietly but clearly.
I enjoy my achievements as well as my plans.
I appreciate my career and the role it plays in providing for myself and my family.
Beyond a wholesome discipline, I’m gentle with myself.I am a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. I have a right to be here.
I feel profound empathy and love for others and their own unique paths.
I choose to stop apologising for being me.
I am at peace with all that has happened in my life.
My life is filled with joy and abundance.
Happiness flows from me, through me and to me.
I am willing to keep going, when things get tough, to achieve the success I deserve.
My body is beautiful and expresses my spirit.
My body is beautiful and expresses my spirit.
I am grounded, peaceful, and centred.
I respect my limitations and thank myself for the things I am able to accomplish.
My life is full of happiness and love.
I have everything I need.
I am beautiful.
I create lasting and positive changes in my life with ease and grace.
I am blessed.
I am in control of my own actions.
I overflow with creativity and good ideas.
I am worthy of the deepest love and the highest joy.
My inner beauty shines brightly.
Every day in every way, my confidence is soaring.
I celebrate my many successes.
I love the person I am and am in the process of becoming.
My decisions are based on my inner knowing.
I have all I need to live a happy life.
I use the tools given to me to achieve my dreams.
The universe conspires to help me succeed.
I love the person that I am and the person that I am in the process of becoming.
I believe in myself and my own abilities to direct my life.
My life is filled with love.
I respect myself.
I love and care for myself as much as I love and care for others.
I am as an angel on earth.
I am free to be who I am and live my life as I wish.
I accept and love both my strengths and my weaknesses.
I choose to have my light side dominate my life and therefore, I am all that is good in the world.
I have courage, strength, faith and confidence.
I join the ranks of men and women of formidable inner strength.
I radiate like the sun and glow like the moon.
I look fear in the face and remain secure in the knowledge that I can be, do and have anything I truly wish.
I am complete.
My inner joy manifests as excellence in everything that I do. I am exceptional.
Positive affirmations for happy family
If you think that your family life can and should be better and you wish to create a blissful home, then use these positive affirmations for happy family.
Again, these are what I personally use and can tell you that they are effective – as long as you properly follow the manifestation process.
I have a life-path partner and children who are happy, loving and secure enough to show affection.
I have a family on earth that reflects the divine.
My life-path partner brings out the best in me and I in him. We share our bliss with happy and whole children who know that they are loved.
Each member of my family respects each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
The highest good of one family member is the highest good of all.
We nurture the best in each of us while we accept and heal that which is not good.
Loyalty, fidelity, honour and dependability are values we all uphold.
Love rules all the days of our lives.
Positive affirmations to attract your soulmate
The following positive affirmations to attract your soulmate are simple but effective as these are exactly what I used to manifest my relationship with Kevin.
Note: Remember that faith is essential in the use of affirmations. You need to believe that what you desire – in this case, a true union with your soulmate – will come to you.
I am in a joyous, intimate relationship.
I share a physical, spiritual, intellectual and emotional connection with my life-path partner.
I am connected to my life-path partner in every way possible – divine and human, profound and profane, celestial and earthly. We find our bliss when we are together.
I share a love with my partner that is true, deep and eternal – the kind that even time would lie down and be still for, the kind of love that only grows, strengthens and deepens with time, distance and challenges.
I share true love with a partner who has the strength to stand by me as I do by him; who protects me as I protect him; who trusts me as I trust him; who honours me as I honour him; who gives me joy as I give him.
I share true love with a partner who is secure, confident and my match in every way and who gives me not only what I want but also what I need.
Positive affirmations to attract your soulmate #1: Conversations with God, Book 2
The love we share is a manifestation of perfect love and we live our lives together forever in matrimonial bliss – not only when our moments are high, but when they are low, not only when we are being who we are but when we are not.
Positive affirmations to attract your soulmate #2: Conversations with God, Book 1 Chapter 8
I attract a partner who is complete and with whom I might share my own completeness.
I realise that relationships are sacred because they provide life’s grandest opportunity to create and produce the experience of my highest conceptualisation of Self.
Positive affirmations to attract friends
Use these positive affirmations to attract friends who are true and reliable – people with whom you share a real connection.
I’ve also added a few affirmations that will allow you to walk away from toxic relationships without causing too much heartache.
I have loving friends.
I have many friends from every corner of the world.
I share my thoughts, time, challenges, opportunities and triumphs with loyal, dependable, hopeful, brilliant and loving men and women who have my best interests at heart. These are the people I am honoured to call my friends.
My friends are my angels on earth.
Despite and because of our differences, our lives are made all the richer for having known each other.
My friendships transcend all differences.
I gently release and let go of any relationship that is not in my highest interest – with ease and grace.
Final thoughts on using positive affirmations for love
And there you have it – the affirmations that I’ve personally used to transform my life and which I’m now sharing with you so you too can bring love into your life.
To recap, what are affirmations of love?
Affirmations of love are simply positive statements that are designed to help you manifest love or overcome whatever is blocking love from showing up in your life.
How can you use them to bring love into your life and manifest truly loving relationships?
Remember that:
One – The more you love yourself, the more love you attract.
Two – Learning how to use positive affirmations for self love correctly (ie.: frequent repetition that bypasses the mind’s ability to resist the change) can result in a radical transformation of your love.
Three – Use the positive affirmations for loving relationships that I share with you here to create the life you desire.
There are four main categories: positive affirmations for self love and acceptance, positive affirmations for happy family, positive affirmations to attract your soulmate and positive affirmations to attract friends.
And you can either use these affirmations as is or paraphrase them to fit your own personal situations.
Finally – Let us know if we missed anything in this post by commenting below! And if you love this, please share.
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in November 2019 and has been completely revamped and updated.
Note: The information on this website is for general information only, and is not a substitute for medical, financial, or legal advice. You, or anyone you are concerned about, are encouraged to seek independent medical, legal, financial, taxation or other advice to check how the website information relates to your unique circumstances.
If you or the person you are concerned about appear at risk of self-harm or harm to others, please seek immediate professional assistance.
Love affirmations are powerful statements that help you manifest the kind of love you’re looking for in your life.
Vanessa is a full-time blogger, an experienced SEO and content marketing strategist, an online entrepreneur, a Reiki Master and Teacher, an affiliate marketer and a lifelong student (because learning is life!). When she's not working, you can find her spending most of her time hard at play with her husband and her son.
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Being kind to others, animals and nature is a good way of showing love and in return find self love.
Others might not show you love even when you displease yourself to please them but nevertheless continue in your good stead and you will find fulfilment.
Love comes naturally, maybe from a spouse or siblings or friends or strangers, you may not feel it all at once but in time.
You might end up being the best good Samaritan of all time doing good deeds everywhere and still feel used if you look unto others to reciprocate the love you have shown them to no avail.
Myou advise to us is to do the best we can in caring for all regardless of age, creed or race and take satisfaction in all we do and we will finally find love in all forms.
Thanks for the post, it’s beneficial for me. Agree on self-love is essential in our daily life. Often people find it hard to love others, one of the reason will be they don’t even love themselves yet, giving your self the positvie though and getting higher every day does help. Booked marked your tab, going to look at when I need it, thank you very much for this.
Hey thank you so much for this post!! I like this post because it involves psychology, and that was actually my major in College! We often forget the power of Affirmation in our lives, because it is a very helpful thing! I used to write down affirmations for college tests, and I typically did pretty well on those. I have not seen it done for love so I’m interested in this!
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experience, Jessie. I took a few psychology classes whilst I was at uni and I absolutely loved it. You can use affirmations for pretty much anything. I always say that it’s like ordering on Amazon. You just need to wait for the delivery. 🙂
I really enjoyed reading this post. I believe in a positive mind, give positive and you will receive positive and it is all exactly as you are saying that you need to repeat these positive affirmations before the mind will actually rewire. One negative thought is worth 10 positive and more often than not it is easier to think negatively about life than positively.
I really like that you incorporated a step by step on how to get started. It will truly come in handy.
Getting into meditation can be a tad harder than just the affirmations. It did for me anyways, I feel like it takes a long time to train your mind to stay focused through a meditation.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Alexandra. And I’m glad to know you enjoyed the post. Positivity definitely trumps negativity but we’re so inclined to think negative that we really need to pay attention to our thoughts – at least, in the beginning.
This is great information to help a person manifest the positive loving things that they want in their life. It’s important to make sure that affirmations are getting through in a positive manner instead of reinforcing the things we’d like to avoid or move past. Thanks for the tips and the book recommendations. These can only help to bring love into one’s life!
Being kind to others, animals and nature is a good way of showing love and in return find self love.
Others might not show you love even when you displease yourself to please them but nevertheless continue in your good stead and you will find fulfilment.
Love comes naturally, maybe from a spouse or siblings or friends or strangers, you may not feel it all at once but in time.
You might end up being the best good Samaritan of all time doing good deeds everywhere and still feel used if you look unto others to reciprocate the love you have shown them to no avail.
Myou advise to us is to do the best we can in caring for all regardless of age, creed or race and take satisfaction in all we do and we will finally find love in all forms.
Thanks for the post, it’s beneficial for me. Agree on self-love is essential in our daily life. Often people find it hard to love others, one of the reason will be they don’t even love themselves yet, giving your self the positvie though and getting higher every day does help. Booked marked your tab, going to look at when I need it, thank you very much for this.
Great tips, love your post…persons who are positive will live a happier life, affirmations will help you to have more self-love.
Thank you for popping by, Debbie, and sharing your thoughts. Love that our content has resonated with you. 🙂
Hey thank you so much for this post!! I like this post because it involves psychology, and that was actually my major in College! We often forget the power of Affirmation in our lives, because it is a very helpful thing! I used to write down affirmations for college tests, and I typically did pretty well on those. I have not seen it done for love so I’m interested in this!
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experience, Jessie. I took a few psychology classes whilst I was at uni and I absolutely loved it. You can use affirmations for pretty much anything. I always say that it’s like ordering on Amazon. You just need to wait for the delivery. 🙂
I really enjoyed reading this post. I believe in a positive mind, give positive and you will receive positive and it is all exactly as you are saying that you need to repeat these positive affirmations before the mind will actually rewire. One negative thought is worth 10 positive and more often than not it is easier to think negatively about life than positively.
I really like that you incorporated a step by step on how to get started. It will truly come in handy.
Getting into meditation can be a tad harder than just the affirmations. It did for me anyways, I feel like it takes a long time to train your mind to stay focused through a meditation.
It is well worth it though.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Alexandra. And I’m glad to know you enjoyed the post. Positivity definitely trumps negativity but we’re so inclined to think negative that we really need to pay attention to our thoughts – at least, in the beginning.
This is great information to help a person manifest the positive loving things that they want in their life. It’s important to make sure that affirmations are getting through in a positive manner instead of reinforcing the things we’d like to avoid or move past. Thanks for the tips and the book recommendations. These can only help to bring love into one’s life!
Yes, exactly! Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. 🙂