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  1. Excellent article. You are absolutely right that we must love ourselves first. I love food too Jade. I would be all for a good workout and a good dinner even by myself. I definitely think this year I may even take up journaling because I love the topics you suggested.

  2. Great post and message – I’m very unconventional and don’t do anything for Valentine’s Day even when I’m in a relationship haha! Loving yourself first is such an important message for everyone, but especially young women!

    1. Thank you! I toyed with the idea of not bothering but I needed to really make time to celebrate achievements. Otherwise, I hop from one achievement to the next and then burn out. *sigh*

  3. Hello. Thanks for sharing with us such an amazing article and explanation given. 

    Valentines day is the day when we celebrate with our loved one. Unfortunately for some of us this day can become depressing because we are alone. I didn’t know that there were so many ways to celebrate this day alone and I never thought about it. As you said, this day is about love and nowhere does it write that it must be mandatory between two people. We can love ourselves. This same love comes through self-knowledge and I think some of us really need a moment like this. I really like reading what I wrote in the journal and remembering some moments. That’s how I get to know myself and I can say that I love myself. Sometimes I realize that I have so much to change but I follow the principle “who likes me, likes me as I am”. And I like myself and now i can say i’m happy. 

    Thanks again for this posts. I really want to share it on my social media accounts. Wish you a happy new year ! 

    1. Yes! That’s exactly what we’re trying to say: nowhere does it say that Valentine’s Day celebrates only love between two adults. You can celebrate your love for yourself, your love for your parents, your love for your kids. These are all love and they are no less important than the love between romantic partners.

      Thank you very much for popping by and sharing your experience and thoughts with us. 

  4. Thanks a lot for such an amazing review about How To Date Yourself On Valentine’s Day and explanation are given.

    I have been searching for such an article for a long time and I have read many similar ones on the internet, but this is the best I have found. A very good article from which you can learn more about yourself and the people around you.

    Thanks again for this post. If you don’t mind, I will share this article on my social media account. Good luck!

    1. Of course, thank you very much for your kind words. I’m really happy to know you found our content useful. 🙂

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