man holding a credit card and a bill

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  1. Hello Andy, Thank you for writing on No Money Every Month? – Real Tips To Save Money, That You Desperately Need! I am writing my New Year’s Resolution and measuring my income and expenses. I learned many new things like 

    – The more income you have, the more you can save. 

    – The fewer expenses you have, the more you can save. 

    – If you keep savings as the topmost obligation, ahead of all your monthly expenses, then within a few month’s time, you should be in a good position, with nice savings in your hand.

    Very useful for my saving and I will share with my friends too to help them saving money.


  2. This is exactly how we saved up for a house last year! We added income by doing side jobs like charging those scooters you see around downtown and donating plasma, at the same time tightening up our budget. Now that we have the house we have focused on the investing part for our future, it’s already become a nice little nest egg that continues to grow. Thank you for sharing, I will make sure my kids read this as well! 

    1. That’s amazing, Travis! I’m so happy you found this relevant. 

      I really wish I’d known about these things even 3 years ago. It would’ve saved me a lot of aggravation and stress. The information did, however, come at a perfect time for me – sometime last year.

      And that’s why I’m happy to be sharing this with others. 

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experiences with us.

    2. That’s really great!! There ain’t many plasma donors… Keep up the good work Travis…
      And ya… building a good investment portfolio, is what makes you financially independent!!!

  3. Hello, I really want to first appreciate your effort in putting this great website together and writing this article. Saving money can be tasking especially with bills hanging around. Even while I tried staying away from debts. But the tips you have shared here will really help me a lot especially investing in lucrative business. Thanks a lot

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