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  1. This is a great post and thank you for the great info! Just out of curiosity…how much is the WA premium membership? It’s never mentioned in the comments or questions.

    1. Hi Donovan, the premium membership costs vary depending on the package you choose. Normally, it’s $49 per month but if you pay for the year, then you get a huge discount. And sometimes it goes on sale, which is what I’m on now. I paid $278 for the entire year so that’s only $23 per month. 🙂 That might sound a lot but I have three blogs so this is actually a steal. 😉

  2. Yes, the need to have a website is a major setback for many beginners like me to get started with affiliate marketing or online business. In my quest, I tried blogger but it isn’t just looking good enough. Then I used WordPress but it suggested a name and extension for me  to use. I wasn’t allowed to use the exact domain name I want on the free plan.

    Wealthy affiliate is the real deal. I found it last month, then I joined and immediately I was taught and I made my free website. Now, I have joined its premium membership.

    One thing I have found out is that as a blogger, it’s best not to stay alone without belonging to a community. In the wealthy affiliate community one can learn latest tricks and strategies and this is far better than just reading books on the subject because they  can be outdated strategies in a book. There are so many benefits with joining wealthy affiliate. Thanks Jade and Kevin.

    1. Exactly! Community is so important, especially in the early stages when most bloggers don’t really know what they’re doing and there are so many questions. Also, working from home can be an isolating experience and a strong community can help here too. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. 🙂

  3. Thanks for explaining all this in details. Making money through websites has been a serious issue from me. I can’t count the number of times I’d quit re-start and quit again. Nothing really worked for me. But this post seems different and self-explanatory, I wish I found this earlier. The Wealthy affiliate package (hosting & training) also looks great.

    Thanks, Jade.

    1. Hi Jordan, that’s precisely why we wrote this – because we also had failed blogs from previous attempts. Glad we could help. Thanks for sharing your experience with us. 

  4. I sure have been reading these blogs regarding affiliate marketing. But, little did I know that there were these many things that were connected with starting a website and the fact that Wealthy Affiliate seems to be offering them for free with just a little amount per month is something that I would definitely look forward to.

    But just so I am clear, how much work should a person be willing to put into their websites in order to be successful?(*after they have created their website that is*) Thanks again for getting the word out.


    1. Hi Sid,

      Thank you for your comment. The answer to your question is very subject because each person’s idea of success is different. I will have to go with this: You need to do whatever it takes to get your blog to the level of success you’re going for. 

      I know, it’s not much help if you’re looking for practical tips so I’ll refer you to the following posts, which can give you an idea of what you really should be aiming for:

      Thanks and I hope they help. 🙂


  5. I believe that whoever tries WA and is serious about this whole blogging thing they will not stay fro free for a long time. There is so much value jam packed in WA that is impossible to let such an opportunity go. I also started for free and was planning to stay for some time but after I started to get the hang of it and understand how many tools this platform offers I went premium. For me what I like the most is that I have all my tools grouped together and I don’t have to use various websites when I blog. It saves me time, money and frustration.

    1. That’s actually also been our experience. There were just so many tools that made blogging a lot easier and simpler that we felt the investment was totally worth it. Thanks for popping by and sharing your thoughts. 

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