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  1. As a long-time meditator, I loved your article. Meditation is one of those things that is challenging to find solid information about. 

    I enjoyed the fact that you broke down meditation for the time-challenged, the beginner, the ‘perhaps resistant to meditation’ crowd and opened the door to discovering guided meditation. That is so powerful. 

    I tend to practice Transcendental Mediation combined with a divine connection meditation. What have you found to be the best practice for people who have meditated for a while and want to expand the practice?

    I’ll look forward to reading your ideas. I’m always looking to grow and deepen my practice.

    Thank you for your enlightening information on meditation.

    1. Thanks for your insightful comment, Bill and for sharing your experience.

      I was resistant to meditation before I fully committed to the practice because for the life of me, I couldn’t silence, acknowledge or ignore my mind chatter. I just kept getting annoyed at my inability to focus and, for me, it defeated the purpose of meditation as I felt frustrated and inadequate afterwards. Not good feelings at all.

      Are you familiar with Christie Marie Sheldon’s work? I personally love her work and have both Love or Above and Unlimited Abundance. I think they are perfect complements to transcendental meditation and the results are mind-blowing.

      Do let us know if you decide to give it a shot. She’s got The Blessing Ball of Light available on YouTube.

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