young girl sitting on a white sofa

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  1. Hi Jade,
    I really enjoyed reading this article, you share here some interesting points to keep in my mind.
    I also love to Bullet Journal my life,

  2. This is a really great post. I think it is nice to see that you are giving really helpful tips on how to make a blissful home. Of all you have written, I think I have a problem with communication and I think I need to deal with this. I feel like I am a part of the home while the rest of the family is another part. I think I need to take an action plan and change what I don’t like and so I’ll be setting up a meeting to talk about our differences. Thank you for helping me

  3. This came at an apt moment in time…

    This Friday gone, while at a Bible study, the host mentioned we should pray about her husband’s relationship to her regarding the decor in the sitting room which she wanted to change.  

    The living room carpet was showing signs of wear and tear and was a totally different colour on one side because so many people walked across it. It definitely needed to be changed and all of the women present agreed it should be.

    However, her husband was having none of it and got increasingly angry to the point that he was shouting over anything we had to say.  He got louder and louder and even told me to “Get out of his house!”.  His wife was not happy at all.

    This shouting at us went on for an hour and the peaceful atmosphere we had at the start was in shambles.

    All his wife wanted to do was change the carpet and the wallpaper as it had not been changed for 15 years.  A lady pastor had visited and commented on the state of the living room carpet.  Her husband’s point was, he did not want to please his wife on this occasion because he preferred to be comfortable and not waste money.  He said the carpet would be professionally cleaned when he was ready to pay for it.

    In your post, I believe that a home should be welcoming and up to a certain standard if visitors come every week.  Which was in this case.  Women love to decorate their home so that it really does feel like a mini palace.  It should feel like a sanctuary away from the bustle of the city and working life.

    So I definitely agree with you – a blissful home is a must and we must never fall in the rut of being comfortable with shabbiness.

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you for sharing that experience, Stella. I hope her issue is resolved to everyone’s satisfaction.

  4. Excellent article you have written here too. I sincerely appreciate how you have suggested the ways to make a house feel like a home. To me, a home is an abode of peace and joy that radiates serenity and tranquillity. Making a house feel like a home especially if you’ve just switched environment just like us is daunting a little and can be frustrating especially if the environment is not as friendly as the former place. However, I learnt a great deal through this post and I hope I will be able to replicate some of these things at home and also sensitize my wife by sharing this to her too. Great post. Thumbs up!

    1. Thanks, Patrice. It does take two to tango but sometimes, you just need someone to take the first step. 🙂 Let us know how you get on, if you do decide to take the plunge. xxx

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