How to Write Your New Year’s Resolutions

How to Write Your New Year’s Resolutions

Learn how to write your New Year’s Resolutions so you can actually achieve them. Most people give up on their gseoals by the end of January. Be different. Read this post and learn how to write your New Year’s Resolutions – so you can finally become the person you’ve always wanted to be! It’s December,…

What Are Affirmations Of Love: Positive Affirmations To Bring Love Into Your Life

What Are Affirmations Of Love: Positive Affirmations To Bring Love Into Your Life

These positive affirmations for love are powerful statements that will help bring more love into your life. Bringing love to your life with positive affirmations Are you trying to create a blissful life filled with love and laughter but can’t seem to get a break? Do you feel like you’re taking one step forward and…

What To Do When You’re Home Alone On Christmas: Simple Ways To Celebrate

What To Do When You’re Home Alone On Christmas: Simple Ways To Celebrate

In 2012, I moved to the UK as a student. I had no family and the friends I had, I made when I got here. Since I was a student, money was tight and I opted to live with a few select housemates who became as close as family. Obviously, they all have families of their…