beyond the 9-5 woman spreading hair at sunset

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  1. I think this is an amazing article on how to achieve someone’s dreams in the hope of not working long hours at a job you hate. Some don’t have a choice because that work is all they have that is keeping them going in life where money is concerned, but all they need is motivation to be able to do their own thing and make their own money.

    I honesty love this post and even though I don’t actually have a story to share, I know others that does, so I won’t mind sharing this post to encourage others.

    Thank you for a great post on the opportunity to actually share someone’s story that’s been struggling with work.

    All the best.

    1. Thank you.

      We are hoping to inspire many people who dream of this kind of work-life balance and yet keep getting told that it’s impossible.

      But there are people who’ve succeeded at this so, clearly, it is possible and we’re going to shed light into the process.

      We’re super psyched. We hope you’ll continue to join us in the journey. 🙂

  2. Wow! This is such an excellent initiative and one that I will gladly be willing to partake in. Before I got an opportunity to get off my boring daily job where I was busy doing everything in line with the status quo, it took me a hell lot of time but immediately I did, I realised that true freedom lies beyond the 9-5 working hours. I would gladly share my story with people and hopefully, my story would inspire others to cross the bridge beyond the 9-5.

    1. That is awesome! We’d love to hear from you. Just drop us a quick email and let’s get this going. 

  3. I’m still very new to the following passion thing but I work at it daily and enjoy the process, especially as my niche sites generate more and more traffic. I’d love to be featured in the Beyond the 9-5 Series someday, not sure when, but it’s a matter of when and not if. I think this series is brilliant as it’ll show others just breaking into the world of following passion rather than the 9-5 rat race hope for a better future. I can’t wait to read some personal accounts here 

    1. Hi Todd, thanks for your comment. We’re very excited about this, especially as the line-up we have for this coming month showcases so many different skills in a variety of niches. 

      We hope you’ll continue to join us on our journey. 🙂

      PS. we’d love to feature you once you feel ready for it. Just shoot us an email so we can get the ball rolling.

  4. I’m a big fan of Tim Ferris and his series of books like The 4-hour Workweek, The 4-hour Chef, and The 4-hour Body. His approach to working smarter instead of harder is something we all aspire to do. Having the freedom and flexibility to work on your own terms is a dream for most people, so it’s nice to get solid information on how to achieve these goals. Great idea to showcase inspirational stories of success!

    1. Me too. Came across his book purely by accident and fell in love with it immediately.

      It’s not always easy – especially when trying to explain to other people exactly what I’m doing – but the rewards are well worth it. 🙂

      PS. If you or anyone you know would like to be featured in the series, do get in touch. We are all agog. lol

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