
September Goal: Churn Content Like The World’s Running Out Of Butter

Happy Friday, everyone! So, this is a bit late and we apologise for that. We’ve had family over from another country and were obviously doing the grand tour. We do love getting visitors and showing them around our litte patch of paradise. The dismal weather notwithstanding, we had a fantastic time spending time together and…


August 2019 Accountability: Did We Reach The Target?

Alright, ladies and gents, it’s that time of the month again and this post is particularly relevant to any new blogger because it contains our own goals and results, which you can use as examples of blog goals. We were new once (heck, we’re still a bit new) so we get it. We know that…


Goals For August 2019: The Things We Work For

Hello everyone, Happy Friday!  We’re sure a lot of you are psyched that it’s that blessed day of the week again – everybody’s favourite, right? Which means that it’s Feel Good Friday again. Yay! This will be another short post as we’re sort of restructuring this section.  What’s going to happen moving forward is that…

multi-coloured balloons celebrating the small wins

Features, Ideas & Successes: Celebrating The Small Wins

Today is Feel Good Friday and you have to admit that nothing feels as good as celebrating the wins and being grateful for all that is going right in your world. For our part, we’ve had quite an eventful month (talk about great timing!) and we’d love to share our small wins with you. In…