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  1. Facebook seem to be a good place for selling products. I had gotten many customers from Facebook after advertising my catering work with different food, snack, cake that I have made before. I got unexpected response and were able to have food on our table through the job. I did that without having to pass through stress and expense of paying Facebook for ads. It was so unbearable. All these options can be of help for many people that need to earn money very fast for a living.Fiverr is also a good platform for making money. Although I haven’t use it before but my brother is currently earning from the platform. Thanks for sharing this business ideas.

    1. Stella, Facebook Marketplace is amazing as you say. We’ve found treasures in there and also have sold quite a few things through the platform. Just make sure to employ safe practice when meeting up with people. 😉 Make sure you’re never alone when you go.

  2. Hello Jade, I must say that this article is very helpful and informative. I think that there are so many opportunities to earn money online but definitely, the best one is affiliate marketing and freelancing on Fivver or Upwork. I will soon try selling on Amazon as it is also a great way to earn some extra bucks.

  3. Hi Kevin and Jade. Wow!! What an informative blog. I had no idea that there were so many different ways to sell products and services.  It really opened my eyes as we are struggling somewhat financially at the moment. I came online to look at possible ways to make money and I was totally surprised at exactly what was available. I like to write a lot, although my grammar isn’t real good. So I thought that I might join a place such as Fiverr and build up some level of expertise in writing blogs for others, and maybe even earn some extra money while I’m at it.  I also thought I might download the spell check site ‘Grammarly’, just to help me refine my articles,  and correct my spelling. What do you think about this? Thanks Jim

    1. Hi Jim. You’re right about the plethora of information available online. It boggles the mind. You have to wade through them and determine which is a scam and which isn’t. Some of us don’t have the time for that!

      Did you know that you can work remotely from home as an employee? We’ve compiled a list of job sites that check their listings to weed out questionable opportunities. Here it is if you want to take a look: https://liveablissfullife.com/2019/04/best-work-at-home-online-jobs/.

      Also, we absolutely love Grammarly so that’s an excellent idea. We even featured it here: https://liveablissfullife.com/2019/05/how-to-set-up-a-blog-to-make-money/.

      Let us know how you get on and if we can help you out.

  4. Hi

    Thank you very much for giving me ideas about how to make money fast  and the suggestions you have made are both realistic and achievable. It is always difficult to make money when you need it the most. This is why it is useful to go to websites which can give you pointers.  This is provided you have something to sell, as after a short time when you will run out of things to sell but with skills, you will be always in demand.

    As jobs can be hit and miss, where sometimes you are working and other times you have nothing on. What do you suggest to do during lean times?



    1. Hi Antonio, 

      That’s an excellent question. Our answer would obviously be to continuously market and promote, even when you’re swamped just now, and then schedule them in for later dates. This won’t always work, of course, especially in some niches where speed is essential.

      But sometimes, like writing gigs – you have a turnaround of say, 7 days. If you aim to have at least one client every few days, then you won’t really experience “lean times” because you always have something in the pipeline. Also, it needs to be said that the more repeat customers you have, the better, as it saves a lot of time.

      Have you also considered looking for longer-term jobs and not just gigs, like in these job sites: https://liveablissfullife.com/2019/04/best-work-at-home-online-jobs/?

  5. Thank you for sharing such a useful information that is legit, when I was reading I was a bit scared of scams. I have sold some used items on facebook market before, the items were gone pretty quickly and I loved it. I used to sell on Ebay as well but they took some fees out so facebook market it is. 

    I also used to be a babysitter when I was in college and I matched and helped out so many families. It was good but now that I am older I want to have kids of my own and do not want to be responsible for other people’s children anymore.

    I saw the ads for task rabbit but never tried it but i am gonna give it a try and we will see what weird task they will ask me to do lol.

  6. I have sold and bought on facebook marketplace a lot over the years! I love that you can sell on your own time, and meet at public locations.

    1. I know a lot of people hate it but I love the convenience of it all. And I personally found a lot of treasures through Marketplace at really good prices.

  7. Hi Jade, I’m not sure I’d have CafePress and Etsy down as “fast” they are more of a slow burn as it’s difficult to get your items visible to the right people quickly. Having more content on those sites will of course increase the probability of a sale so I’d suggest a regular new item for CafePress is a great idea.

    1. Hi Andy,

      Thank you very much for commenting. You’re right, of course, and I suppose our original post made it seem relatively easy. We’ve now amended that section to include your input.


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