gifts to pamper a woman - spa tools

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  1. Hi there,

    Great article, I really enjoyed the reading!

    My husband’s birthday is next month, and I really want to pamper him with a romantic spa day at home:) So I think, I will get the Epsom Salts, it seems to be very useful in terms of relaxation. I saw the bag of Epsom salts on Amazon, and it looks quite big. Any suggestions on where to store it? Our bathroom is quite small:) 

    Thank you for this excellent post!

    1. I personally tip it in a massive mason jar (with label) and store it under the bath. We’ve got one of those magnetic side panels so you can use the dead space under the bath as storage. I highly recommend it. 

  2. Thank you for the excellent gift ideas! I’m so glad I ran across your article. My oldest daughter is a new mom and a home spa day would be the perfect pampering gift for her. We don’t get as much time to spend together in recent weeks so this might be a great excuse to have a stay in day. Thanks again!

  3. Hi Jade, compliments of the season to you. Thank you very much for sharing this article and tips on the best self care wellness gifts precisely for a spa day at home. I learnt a lot from this post plus I must say, these gifts are really nice and would benefit our bodies in an awesome way. I have never made use of most of these items before.

    1. Oh, if you’ve not tried them before, you need to do so ASAP lol Especially the massagers – unless (of course) you’re one of the rare people who hate massages. 😉 Enjoy!

  4. These are really nice gifts and indeed the best self care wellness gifts for a SPA day at home. I never really had an idea what SPA would mean. Now I know what it actually meant and of course, I knew about it before but I never knew the exact terms used (SPA)… Our bodies are very important and we should pamper it with care.

  5. You can’t beat a good spa experience whether at home or at a professional one. I use face masks they are excellent for cleansing toning and tightening the skin. 

    I haven’t tried a skin roller to massage so will be having a look at those. Not used a body scrub for a good while, so thank you for the reminder to get back to that as it really improved my skin.

    Body butters are wonderful on the skin, I always prefer a cream texture to a lotion as they seem to absorb much faster and soften better. 
    I will be having a look at Shiatsu massagers, they sound wonderful.

    Thank you for this helpful and informative post.

    1. You’re welcome, Linda. I always say that the spa experience should be a necessity rather than a luxury. Relaxing and de-stressing are vital in this day and age of chaos.

  6. Oh, this is spectacular. I like this more because you gave some DIY details on some of this awesomeness. I feel like I need to give this a try for my girlfriend too. I am very sure that she will find it very nice when I show her that we can have some very good fun at home. I also see that you have defined what the spa is. I will need to do a face mask myself at home. I am able to learn a couple of things from this. Thank you

  7. I love these ideas. I actually have been looking for a new mud mask. A Dead Sea mud mask just sounds heavenly. These look perfect and the price is right. I also love the nano steamer. I’ve always wanted one. These are great gifts for people who don’t pamper themselves enough.

  8. Every woman wants to be pampered but how. Your idea is a very good one and also very inexpensive as well. I feel that a number of people will really like to give a home spa a try. I see you mentioned a couple of other special treatments that range from facials to body buttering. They are all nice. Some of them are really alien to me though. Thank you for educating me.

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