the unhealthy eating habits you should stop teaching your child - sticker chart - reward chart

Why Using Food as a Reward or Punishment is NOT a Good Idea

Using food as a reward or punishment is not a good idea and this post will tell you why. Many of us parents end up using food as a reward or punishment when we can’t get our kids to eat. This post is a quick overview of the many evidence-based reasons why doing so is a bad, bad…

woman in a bath filled with flowers

Quick And Easy Self-Care Strategies For Parents Everywhere

If you’re looking for quick and easy self-care strategies for parents, then you’re reading the right post. After a day spent trying hard not to yell at our vivacious child, we realised that we were very close to burnout and that we needed to do something. Fast. Like many, we don’t want to be angry…


Mental Health Awareness For New Mothers: You Matter Too!

Today, we’d like to use our platform to raise mental health awareness for new mothers. Whilst it’s common, people very rarely talk about it. In fact, when I started being more open to the fact that I developed postnatal or postpartum depression (PND or PPD) 18 months after giving birth, people were shocked. Curious or…


When Moms Need A Break: The Little Things You Can Do

Whilst doing some research for my next post, I came across the video below. It cracked me up but, since I’m a work-at-home mom too, I can totally relate. I know I can get pretty feral if my husband goes away for longer than 10 hours. It’s probably no secret that today’s mom is busier than ever. …