Working From Home Is Not Just For Young Adults: Tea And Cake For The Soul

Working From Home Is Not Just For Young Adults: Tea And Cake For The Soul

When people ask me what I do, I say that I’m a professional blogger and writer (also a part-time web developer but that has really taken the backseat just now). I usually end my statement with a wholehearted endorsement, having tumbled head over heels in love with the industry. There are many reasons why people…

Reviewing Our Goal For The Month: September 2019 Reality Check

Reviewing Our Goal For The Month: September 2019 Reality Check

As I sit down to write what will be a short post, I can’t quite believe that it’s already the last Friday of the month. Time has just flown and I guess this is what happens when you’re too busy living life. You don’t really notice how much time has passed until you stand still and…