Sometimes Giving Up Is The Perfect Solution - woman on couch looking out the window

Sometimes Giving Up Is The Perfect Solution: A Possibly Unintended Inspirational Video

In a hurry? Bookmark this page and then get Brene Brown’s The Gifts of Imperfection so you can FINALLY learn that “yes, I am imperfect and vulnerable, but that doesn’t change the truth that I am worthy of love and belonging.“! Since I started publishing and promoting posts full-tilt (in other words, not a hobby), I…


September Goal: Churn Content Like The World’s Running Out Of Butter

Happy Friday, everyone! So, this is a bit late and we apologise for that. We’ve had family over from another country and were obviously doing the grand tour. We do love getting visitors and showing them around our litte patch of paradise. The dismal weather notwithstanding, we had a fantastic time spending time together and…

Can Children Change The World? – 5 Powerful Videos Of Hope

Can Children Change The World? – 5 Powerful Videos Of Hope

Children are our future. The youth can change the world. They herald the dawning of an entirely new generation who will occupy powerful positions and implement massive changes in society. Unfortunately, we keep hearing complaints about the younger generation being entitled, spoiled, disrespectful. All negative descriptions that are designed to justify our continued disrespect and…

two hands reaching for a red rose

How To Make A Change In Your Life & Feel Excited About It

Learn how to make a change in your life and actually feel excited about it. These six things can make a total difference. Discovering how to make a change in your life and actually feel excited about it is essential to living a life of bliss. Self-improvement writer Abby Shope gives you excellent tips you…