
September Goal: Churn Content Like The World’s Running Out Of Butter

Happy Friday, everyone! So, this is a bit late and we apologise for that. We’ve had family over from another country and were obviously doing the grand tour. We do love getting visitors and showing them around our litte patch of paradise. The dismal weather notwithstanding, we had a fantastic time spending time together and…

how to be a photographer and a mother newborn pic with grandparents

How To Be A Photographer And A Mother: Nahomie Hann

This month, we’ll be showcasing people who’ve gone beyond the 9-5 but are not primarily blogging (some may have blogs but that doesn’t make up a majority share of their income-generating activities). This week, join us in welcoming Nahomie Hann, a maternity, birth and newborn photographer based in Scotland who we met when we were…


Why You Should Let Bygones Be Bygones: It’s Not Really A Secret!

Another guest post today, this time from the utterly fabulous Dani Crater of The Unseasoned Wag. If you haven’t read any of her content yet, you’ll probably want to do so immediately (well, after reading her post here first). When we started collaborating, I was thinking of writing a post on the best way to…


Mental Health Awareness For New Mothers: You Matter Too!

Today, we’d like to use our platform to raise mental health awareness for new mothers. Whilst it’s common, people very rarely talk about it. In fact, when I started being more open to the fact that I developed postnatal or postpartum depression (PND or PPD) 18 months after giving birth, people were shocked. Curious or…


August 2019 Accountability: Did We Reach The Target?

Alright, ladies and gents, it’s that time of the month again and this post is particularly relevant to any new blogger because it contains our own goals and results, which you can use as examples of blog goals. We were new once (heck, we’re still a bit new) so we get it. We know that…