Freelancer Essentials – The Tools To Take Your Business to The Next Level

Freelancer Essentials – The Tools To Take Your Business to The Next Level

Check out our tools list of freelancer essentials that will take your freelancing business to the next level. To uplevel your business, you need the right tools – the so-called freelancer essentials. Our list only contains the best tool for each part of freelancing you need – from time management to project management. Chris Jones…

Realistic Food Budget: How to Manage and Stick to a Monthly Food Budget

Realistic Food Budget: How to Manage and Stick to a Monthly Food Budget

A realistic food budget will teach you how to manage and stick to a monthly food budget without forcing you to starve. Kimberly Tan is a financial advisor who loves to freelance writing about personal finance. She is very passionate about helping people in managing their finances and see them succeed in it. Reading books…

3 Signs You Ended Up in the Wrong Career

3 Signs You Ended Up in the Wrong Career

Wrong career? If you see these three signs, you might consider choosing something else that would be a better fit! People end up in the wrong career because they choose to appease another or because they needed a salary. Artur Meyster is the CTO of Career Karma (YC W19), an online marketplace that matches career switchers with…

6 Tips to Create the Best Workspace for Productivity

6 Tips to Create the Best Workspace for Productivity

Learning how to create the best workspace for productivity is essential to success. One undervalued tip when you want to get more done at work is to learn how to create the best workspace for productivity. Boosting productivity is of tremendous importance. Inspiration can come from the environment, meaning that changing the layout of a…