happiness is what you make it - a smiling woman in front of a yellow background pointing at you

Happiness Is What You Make It (Even When Life Gets You Down)

Discover why happiness is really what you make it by reading this inspirational story. Imagine having to grow up as an outcast – not accepted, never belonging. Imagine living with parents who prefer exerting ‘power over’ instead of ‘power with’. How do you create a life of bliss? You live knowing that happiness is what…

how to choose love over fear - a woman in front of a pink background with her fingers shaped as a heart

How To Choose Love Over Fear (Even In Trying Times)

Discover how to choose love over fear even if the world seems to be ending. In trying times like now, learning how to choose love over fear might be the only way to move forward with ease and grace. With a passion for leadership in life and love, Dana Humphrey partners with women to illuminate…

How to Enhance Your Meditation Practice With Crystals - six different crystals with a cosmic background

How to Enhance Your Meditation Practice With Crystals

Learn how to enhance your meditation practice with crystals and discover which crystals are linked with specific benefits. Crystals are used everywhere in the world for many things, from the practical to the esoteric. In this piece, Faith Davis will give you actionable tips to greatly enhance your meditation practice with crystals so you can…

Meditation Isn't the Only Way to Practice Mindfulness - A pink journal with a journal entry written on it

Meditation Isn’t the Only Way to Practice Mindfulness

Meditation isn’t the only way to practice mindfulness so if meditation isn’t your thing, you can take your pick from these three. Mindfulness is supremely important to mental health but meditation isn’t the only way to practice mindfulness if it isn’t your cup of tea. Jay Shifman writes about three other things you can do…