Minimalism And Mindfulness For Moms: The Many Benefits Of Living Minimally

Minimalism And Mindfulness For Moms: The Many Benefits Of Living Minimally

When you hear the word ‘minimalism’ something inside you just cringes! Why is that? It’s probably because we are used to having an abundance of things all around us. Most of the time just because it matches the decor. Consumerism (owning material objects) fills a hole inside us which used to be filled with something…

What Is The Cry It Out Method And Why You Should Never Do It

What Is The Cry It Out Method And Why You Should Never Do It

What is the Cry It Out Method and why should you never do it? What can you do instead to get some sleep? If you’re suffering from sleep deprivation because your new baby isn’t sleeping, you’ll probably be advised to just let your baby cry it out. But what is the Cry It Out Method…

Mental Health Awareness For New Mothers: You Matter Too!

Mental Health Awareness For New Mothers: You Matter Too!

Today, we’d like to use our platform to raise mental health awareness for new mothers. Whilst it’s common, people very rarely talk about it. In fact, when I started being more open to the fact that I developed postnatal or postpartum depression (PND or PPD) 18 months after giving birth, people were shocked. Curious or…