5 Sanskrit Meditation Mantras: Deva Premal on YouTube

5 Sanskrit Meditation Mantras: Deva Premal on YouTube

Discover the five most powerful Sanskrit meditation mantras (beautifully sung by Deva Premal). Sanskrit meditation mantras are meditation mantras recited in the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit and explicitly formulated to free the mind. This is a literal translation. In Sanskrit, “man” means mind and “tra” means “free from”. Deva Premal is a German-born singer…

How To Declutter The Kitchen 101: The Major Causes of Clutter

How To Declutter The Kitchen 101: The Major Causes of Clutter

Learn how to declutter the kitchen quickly. We all know that de-cluttering the home can take some time and that if we want to do it quickly, we really need to break the task down so as to avoid overwhelm. In this post, we focus on the kitchen, which seems to attract clutter like a…