Hey there, thanks for popping by.
Welcome to Live A Blissful Life, a blog that aims to help people live the blissful life we all deserve. You will find a lot of articles talking about partnerships, parenthood, children, transforming your houses into homes, travel, inspired gift ideas and the like.
The information you see on this site is free to anyone reading it. But because we spend hours doing painstaking research so we can serve valuable information, we have made agreements with some companies who pay us commissions when someone makes a purchase through some of the links we provide.
In almost every blog post that offers recommendations, you will see a disclaimer referencing our use of affiliate links or referral links. These are called affiliate disclaimers and arise from the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 (CPUTR 2008). You can find more information here.
NOTE: You don’t pay any extra for this. And, more importantly, we only ever promote products we personally use and can highly recommend without hesitation.
These affiliate programs provide us with some income and allow us to devote the necessary time and energy to constant generation of fresh information. We’ve done our best to make this process as unobtrusive as possible. And we are very grateful for your support.
More legal stuff
This blog is a personal blog, the contents of which I have written myself. Occasionally, guest bloggers contribute. If they recommend any product, I make sure that they put their disclaimers.
It is important to note that I have a digital marketing strategy in place. This strategy includes accepting cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation. All of these, in turn, may influence the blog’s content.
That said, I reiterate that I get compensation in return for my honest opinions and experiences on products and services, all of which are purely my own. Any representation about a product or service found elsewhere should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party in question.
I maintain that my blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.
Thanks again and enjoy!