Happiness Is What You Make It (Even When Life Gets You Down)

Happiness Is What You Make It (Even When Life Gets You Down)

Discover why happiness is really what you make it by reading this inspirational story. Imagine having to grow up as an outcast – not accepted, never belonging. Imagine living with parents who prefer exerting ‘power over’ instead of ‘power with’. How do you create a life of bliss? You live knowing that happiness is what…

How To Choose Love Over Fear (Even In Trying Times)

How To Choose Love Over Fear (Even In Trying Times)

Discover how to choose love over fear even if the world seems to be ending. In trying times like now, learning how to choose love over fear might be the only way to move forward with ease and grace. With a passion for leadership in life and love, Dana Humphrey partners with women to illuminate…

How To Nurture Your Mind Each Day (Includes 5 Easy Ways)

How To Nurture Your Mind Each Day (Includes 5 Easy Ways)

Learning how to nurture your mind each day is incredibly important in this day and age of constant distractions. Imagine going through the day knowing that you can do everything that you need and want to do. Don’t think it’s possible? It really can be. One key step that will help you do that is…

6 Skills Remote Developers Need to Thrive

6 Skills Remote Developers Need to Thrive

Of the many skills remote developers need to thrive, the six skills that Andreea Zorz writes about in this post rank high on the list. There are six skills remote developers need to thrive: personal organization, communication skills, independence, workflow familiarity, time management and personal development. Andreea Zorz is a digital marketer at DistantJob, which…

4 Ways To Hold Yourself Accountable At Work

4 Ways To Hold Yourself Accountable At Work

Discover what accountability is, why it matters and a few ways you can hold yourself accountable, especially at work. Accountability is all about honesty and responsibility and is directly linked to better performance and achievement. People who are accountable tend to set goals and are more likely to achieve them. This post will show you…

Achieve Pure Brilliance With Dee Burrowes

Achieve Pure Brilliance With Dee Burrowes

Learn how to achieve pure brilliance, go beyond the 9-5 and live the life of your dreams with Dee Burrowes. Starting Out Can you give us an intro, Dee? I’m a strategic results-driven Professional Coach, NLP, Speaker, Author, Professor/Mental First Advocate who helps people gain more confidence in being more effective at bringing happiness into…